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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Conner's First Football Game

I am a little behind in posting, but last Saturday was Conner's first flag football game with NYS (National Youth Sports).  He was very nervous and asked me to pray with him before the game, which I couldn't say no to of course.  He had a blast though and did great!  Here are some pictures from his first game, as well as a video of him pulling a flag.  I'm so glad I got the play on video,  I think he's watched it about 12 times and is very proud of himself.  We are very proud of him too!  He has been having a great attitude and practicing really hard.  His practices are twice a week, which I feel is a lot for kiddos his age, but he's really loving it!

He had lots of people that love him cheering him on!




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