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Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Little Urology Update

Last week both girls had renal ultrasounds and appointments with our urologist, Dr. Zuniga.  I am happy to report that everything looks good for both girls!  Additionally, Madi's urine culture from our hospital stay never grew anything, which means that her vesicostomy is working and that the renal reflux is not causing any infections.  Yeah!  We (as in Dr. Zuniga and I) took her off of her prophylactic antibiotic as a trial run towards the end of last year, and I just give her a few natural things (which I will post about separately one day) daily.  It seems to be working great in conjunction with the vesicostomy, because she's had no infections since then.  We have also been working very hard on re-building her gut flora, and now her bowels are working SO much better!  I know, I know, TMI, but that's just life for us.  We go back in 6 months for another visit, but won't need more testing for a year.  I'm excited!

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