Please feel free to "share" her link as well :). We REALLY appreciate it!

Friday, November 30, 2012
Just a friendly reminder as you shop for your holiday gifts
If you plan on shopping at Amazon, please use our link. You can bookmark it and go through it every time. We get up to 6% back on everything you purchase, and it costs you absolutely nothing extra. We use the money to buy items for Madi that insurance doesn't cover. Some of the things we've bought over the years include cloth diapers and trainers, modified toilet seats, walking sticks, a Rifton Mobile Stander, and more! We even used some of the money to help modify Madi's preschool to make it more accessible for her. We helped pay for some concrete work and toys for her at the school so that the playground would be more accessibe and fun for her (it was the schools idea (part of the reason we LOVE that school. They do everything they can to accomodate her!) and we wanted to help, since they were, literally, doing it just for her). It makes a HUGE difference for her! Our link is...
Monday, November 26, 2012
Santa Photos and a Non-Update from India Again
The kiddos and I went to Elevate Coffee on Friday with our friends for free pictures with Santa. It was so fun! They LOVED meeting santa and Madi insisted on sitting on his lap twice ;). She told him she'd like a green puppy with green spots. Conner told Santa he wants any toy, but that he really likes Starwars Legos. Here are a few photos from our day:
I wish I had some news about India to share. Unfortunately, I just heard back that the paperwork STILL has not made it from the courts to the orphanage. It's already been a month and a half, and they still don't have it. That means they STILL haven't applied for her passport. My heart is so heavy about all of this. I was, quite literally, expecting her to be home by now. We rushed and rushed to get the girl's room ready (it's still not, but it's close), to get her clothes washed and hung up, and to get all the Christmas gifts for the kids (in case I was gone or just getting home around Christmas), and still no word! I know that God's timing is perfect and that this delay is happening for a reason. I know that I will look back one day, and this will all make sense. I know that we will have her home soon, and that this will soon be a distant memory. Even knowing all of this, though, waiting is HARD! I wish I could run to India, sweep her up, and bring her home. I seriously have thought about it many times ;). So, while we wait, please be praying for her, our hearts, our adoption, travel, and our family once we bring her home. Thank you!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Our Latest Amazon Purchase for Madi
We are working on getting Madi and Ramya's room and bathroom up and running. I'll be posting lots of pictures soon! To help get the girl's bathroom ready, we modified the toilet for them. We got a new seat and handles off of Amazon and they work great!
Thank you for purchasing from Amazon using Madi's link, we really appreciate it!!
Not sure how to purchase through Amazon using Madi's link? You can follow and bookmark this link. Any time you follow that link (from our blog or your favorites) and make a purchase, we get a percentage back! Madi's link is .
Sunday, November 11, 2012
My Big Girl is 4 Today!
I cannot believe my big girl turned 4 today! I'm not sure where the time has gone! Madi is such a smart, beautiful, determined, and amazing little girl. Every second with her is such a blessing. We love our little gal so much!
Here are some pictures from her big birthday day. She requested a Blues Clues party, so a Blues Clues party she got! I got the bright idea to have her party at the park, since I wasn't sure when I'd be headed to India to bring Ramya home and it seemed much less stressful. Of course, a cold-front came in and it was seriously freezing! I am thankful that we have so many amazing friends and loved ones who came out to join us anyhow. We are very blessed!
Here are some pictures from her big birthday day. She requested a Blues Clues party, so a Blues Clues party she got! I got the bright idea to have her party at the park, since I wasn't sure when I'd be headed to India to bring Ramya home and it seemed much less stressful. Of course, a cold-front came in and it was seriously freezing! I am thankful that we have so many amazing friends and loved ones who came out to join us anyhow. We are very blessed!
I'm 4! I may tell you I'm turning 5 1/2, but mom says too bad so sad, I have to stay 4 for a while.
Blues clues suckers for centerpieces
A Blues Clues birthday cake, of course! This amazing cake was made by my wonderful sister-in-law kim. It tasted just as yummy as it looks!
Blowing out her candle (we could only get 1 to light because it was so windy!)
Madi loves chocolate cake!
Conner was very happy to have friends to play with too.
I love that my kiddos are so sweet together!
Present time!!
She loved every gift!
My little angel
We had crafts and lots of food too!
Gotta love the adorable hats!
Madi and her great-grandma, Uma, whom she loves very much!
The park had some really fun equipment!
Happy birthday amazing girl! We love you!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Working on Gifts for Kiddos in the Orphanage...
As I said in my last post, my friend Amanda is generously taking it upon herself to collect funds to purchase toys and other needed items for the kiddos in Ramya's orphanage. We will be bringing the items with us when we go to the orphanage to bring Ramya home. I am excited to say that I have another way you can help give towards this cause :).
My friend Star, who sells scentsy, has offered to donate 15% of her sales towards purchasing items for the kids in Ramya's orphanage. You can purchase online and the party will be open for two weeks. If you are interested in ordering anything from Scentsy, you can go to...
... With Christmas just around the corner, this is a great way to kick-off your holiday shopping!!
Thanks so much for your help and support!
My friend Star, who sells scentsy, has offered to donate 15% of her sales towards purchasing items for the kids in Ramya's orphanage. You can purchase online and the party will be open for two weeks. If you are interested in ordering anything from Scentsy, you can go to...
... With Christmas just around the corner, this is a great way to kick-off your holiday shopping!!
Thanks so much for your help and support!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Orphanage Gifts and India News
We finally heard back from the orphange and basically they are STILL waiting on the courts to send them the paperwork saying the adoption is official. That means the orphanage is still waiting to apply for Ramya's passport. Sigh. Please be praying this will be done quickly!
In other news, my friend Amanda (who is most likely joining me in India... WOOO HOOOO!!) has very generously decided to try and purchase gifts and supplies for the kids in the orphanage (about 100 kids). She is raising money to be able to purchase gifts for the kids and has two different ways you can help:
In other news, my friend Amanda (who is most likely joining me in India... WOOO HOOOO!!) has very generously decided to try and purchase gifts and supplies for the kids in the orphanage (about 100 kids). She is raising money to be able to purchase gifts for the kids and has two different ways you can help:
- You can donate directly to her and she will be purchasing the items. Her paypal is
- Amanda will be donating 15% of all of her thirty-one orders purchased between now and November 15th. You can purchase great items and help bring toys and supplies to the orphanage by following this link:
Thursday, November 1, 2012
An Update on Our Current Hospital Stay
Just wanted to give a quick update on our current hospital stay, since I know many of you are wondering how we are doing and why exactly we are here.
We came in on Wednesday morning for a planned 3-day(ish) hospital stay. We are in the epilepsy monitoring unit and are being monitored 24-7 (which means we get to sleep with a few lights on and there is always a video going ;)). Basically we are trying to see where her misfirings are originating from, how her medication is working, and what types of seizures she's having (if she has one while we are here). Madi has been having some odd nighttime behaviors, like teeth chattering, so we are hoping to catch some episodes while we are here so that they can see if it is seizure related or not.
This afternoon I got our first batch of feedback. Basically, Madi has a lot of spikes (aka misfirings) going on. These aren't seizures, however, they are things that could potentionally turn in to sezures. We thought that they were primarily on the left-hand side of her brain, by her shunt, but apparently they are all over. There tend to be more on the left-hand side, however, she has a lot occuring on both sides. This tells us it is probably not because of shunt placement or anything like that. She had some episodes of being upset and shaking last night, however, these were not seizures. We didn't see any teeth chattering yet, nor any episodes of heaving, etc... Oh, and Madi was also diagnosed with epilepsy during our last neurologist visit (the one before this hospital stay), so we can officially add that to her list :).
The doctor said that he is learning a lot about how Madi's brain works and what types of misfirings are happening, but said there is still more to learn, so he wanted us to stay tonight. I'm not sure if he will want us to stay another night or not, it just depends on what we see tonight. He said we will take it day by day. We were told it's 3 days usually, unless you see something early-on and go home early.
We have had lots of guests and are very thankful for the distraction, as Madi cannot leave the room (and I can't leave to eat unless someone else is here sitting with Madi). On Wednesday, my mom came to visit. Today Sharri (from the local spina bifida association) came, as well as our friends Leslie and Ryan, David's parents and grandparents, Conner and David, and our friend's Eric and Darcy and their kiddos. We have also had some yummy food dropped off (thanks Ryan and Leslie!!!!) and are very thankful for that as well. Childlife has been very good to us and has been letting us borrow lots of games, puzzles, play-dough, crafts, and other fun things. We also had a visit from Elvis, a great therapy dog. I am so thankful Madi is so sweet and easy-going and loves playing so much. It really helps our days go smoothly.
I'm headed to bed, as sleeping in a hospital doesn't really happen too well. I will update tomorrow once I know more. Thanks for praying for our sweet girl!
We came in on Wednesday morning for a planned 3-day(ish) hospital stay. We are in the epilepsy monitoring unit and are being monitored 24-7 (which means we get to sleep with a few lights on and there is always a video going ;)). Basically we are trying to see where her misfirings are originating from, how her medication is working, and what types of seizures she's having (if she has one while we are here). Madi has been having some odd nighttime behaviors, like teeth chattering, so we are hoping to catch some episodes while we are here so that they can see if it is seizure related or not.
This afternoon I got our first batch of feedback. Basically, Madi has a lot of spikes (aka misfirings) going on. These aren't seizures, however, they are things that could potentionally turn in to sezures. We thought that they were primarily on the left-hand side of her brain, by her shunt, but apparently they are all over. There tend to be more on the left-hand side, however, she has a lot occuring on both sides. This tells us it is probably not because of shunt placement or anything like that. She had some episodes of being upset and shaking last night, however, these were not seizures. We didn't see any teeth chattering yet, nor any episodes of heaving, etc... Oh, and Madi was also diagnosed with epilepsy during our last neurologist visit (the one before this hospital stay), so we can officially add that to her list :).
The doctor said that he is learning a lot about how Madi's brain works and what types of misfirings are happening, but said there is still more to learn, so he wanted us to stay tonight. I'm not sure if he will want us to stay another night or not, it just depends on what we see tonight. He said we will take it day by day. We were told it's 3 days usually, unless you see something early-on and go home early.
We have had lots of guests and are very thankful for the distraction, as Madi cannot leave the room (and I can't leave to eat unless someone else is here sitting with Madi). On Wednesday, my mom came to visit. Today Sharri (from the local spina bifida association) came, as well as our friends Leslie and Ryan, David's parents and grandparents, Conner and David, and our friend's Eric and Darcy and their kiddos. We have also had some yummy food dropped off (thanks Ryan and Leslie!!!!) and are very thankful for that as well. Childlife has been very good to us and has been letting us borrow lots of games, puzzles, play-dough, crafts, and other fun things. We also had a visit from Elvis, a great therapy dog. I am so thankful Madi is so sweet and easy-going and loves playing so much. It really helps our days go smoothly.
I'm headed to bed, as sleeping in a hospital doesn't really happen too well. I will update tomorrow once I know more. Thanks for praying for our sweet girl!
So these are the stickers mom was talking about... SO not impressed (though I did sit nice and still ;))!
... and now I look like a mummy. Good thing today is Halloween!
At least my sense of humor has returned. I call these my "Happy Halloween" glasses and make sure I put them on for everyone that visits.
Can't forget the eye patch!
Madi's great-grandma, Uma, whom she loves very much, and Elvis the therapy dog.
spina bifida
Madi's First Dentist Visit
I am behind on my postings, but last Monday, Madi had her very first dentist visit and teeth brushing. We had Conner go first, so that she could watch, then she went next. She did really great!! She sat still for everything (on my lap ;)) and has no cavities... YEAH! Here are a few photos:
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