Madi seems to be doing well. She is a very happy little girl and is smiling all the time. She's starting to learn to coo and makes the cutest little noises. We took her in the the neurosurgeon for a check-up yesterday and he said everything looks great. I am always afraid to say anything because I'm afraid I will jinx it. It's hard because she could have an infection brewing and we may not know for a while. I watch her very carefully (probably to carefully) but have not seen any indication of infection as of yet. We go to the pediatrician today and will be able to check her weight and height to see how she is growing. We met with DDD the other day and are getting her started with an early interventionist and a physical therapist. We are also having her checked out by a speech therapist. When we took her to the neurologist she also thought we could benefit from an occupational therapist and is getting us a referral for that. I think it's awesome that Madi is going to be able to get so much help so quickly! We are praying that we find great Christian people to work with.
Madi was getting terrible diaper rashes that I was having a hard time getting rid of. I put her back in disposable diapers while I tried to clear it and realized it was the diaper cream I was putting on her. I made my own concoction with vitamin E and some other cream and it cleared right up! She gets to go back in her cloth diapers now, which look so adorable on her. None of her pants fit her though because her little butt is so fluffy!
Conner is a great big brother and is making sure his little sister is well taken care of. He helps wash her in the bath, hugs her, and gives her lots of kisses!
I'm glad you guys are doing well...I've been thinking of you! If you get Regina for early intervention, I'll be able to keep tabs on you through her. :) Oh, and she's a Christian too, albeit a quieter one.
We also have a baby girl born with myelomeningecele and hydrocephalus. She was born 7 weeks early and was 3 lbs 4 oz. Her shunt also got infected with staph and had to have her shunt externalized and finally replace. We had to spend thanksgiving in the hospital but went home a couple of weeks before Christmas. Since she has had her shunt replaced she is like a new baby and cooing like crazy! I was blogging about hers as well but haven't in a while my blogger account was also open on our desktop and my 6 year old deleted it a few weeks ago, although I'm sure I will be at it again before long. I'm glad I found your blog!!
Hi Jamie! Madi looks so cute in her fluff!
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