Conner was not the easiest baby. His reflux made him miserable until we got it under control. I wore him in a sling most of the day, kept him upright, co-slept with him, and just did anything I could to make him comfortable. No matter what we did, he was still in pain for quite a while. We took him to a Gonstead Chiropractor who adjusted his little back, which helped immensely. We also took him to a naturopathic doctor who desensitized him to foods he was allergic to and getting through my breastmilk. Between the two, his reflux cleared up and he was a happy little guy but it took a while. David and I were convinced that our next baby would be an easy baby. It seems, though, that poor Madi also has reflux like her brother. She doesn't nap well during the day, has "wet burps", is constantly choking on her spit-up, and is just having a hard time. Even in my arms, on my chest, or in a carrier upright, she still does not nap well. She wants to be asleep and is unhappy when she wakes. I've tried Mylicon and have Gripe Water on the way. I want her to be comfortable and it is really hard knowing that no matter what I do, she is still in pain. We took her to the chiropractor once already and have plans to go again. She's also seen the naturopathic doctor for NEAT (natural elimination of allergy treatment) testing twice. I am praying that these two things will help her, just like they did Conner. Madi's little life is hard enough without these added problems. I am praying that God will take away her discomfort so she can get the rest she needs.