I truly believe that God talks to us all the time if we just take the time to listen. After I found out about Madi's diagnosis, I decided that I wasn't going to cry or be sad for her. She was strong and God chose her for a reason, just as he chose me as her mother, David as her father, and Conner as her brother. I knew that we could do this and our job wasn't to mourn, but to fight for her and give her the best life possible. I knew it would all be ok, and God wanted to make sure that I knew He was beside us fighting for us, working out all the details, and paving the way for us. I've always loved butterflies, which, of course, He knows. From the day that I found out that Madi had spina bifida until the day that she was delivered, He sent me butterflies. Every single day, no matter what the weather, I saw at least one butterfly. They were my reminder that we could get through this and that everything would be ok. Just as a butterfly, we would learn to adapt to change and life would be beautiful!
I love your blog! Check out the song "She's A Butterfly" by Martina McBride. I have always thought it sounded like my daughter with SB. God bless your family! Merry Christmas!
Candice Carpenter
Thank you, thank you, thank you for putting words to how I feel. I just had someone tonight ask "so how are you really doing? I know you've said you're doing well, and you that you have to put on a pastor's wife face for the church, but....". I was so frustrated that she could insinuate that the peace I had been given by God could be me just faking it. When I read this post, it just put words to how we've been feeling and how we've been handling our son's diagnosis a few weeks ago (I'm 26 weeks pregnant now). I'm loving your blog overall, and am now starting from the beginning to read the whole thing, but I just had to comment on this post. Thank you.
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